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What three words !

 Its a funny thing about discussing technology with the youth and saying how the jump from buying your trainline ticket or Ryan Air flight but printing out the hard copy ticket or boarding card eventually goes to "ooh lets risk it and take a chance on the phone". Then you get power anxiety and buy a battery booster pack,   Today we have walked to the very end of the Lands End cliff and then had a quick dunk (note not swim) in the clear blue cold jelly fish and seaweed infested bay. (The nerve receptors to the crown jewels screamed in protest and decided a retreat was required).  A few pints of cider sat in sunshine with the stragglers and the mood lifted. Then came the Clarkson bombshell from one of the gathered ...... have I mentioned about putting "bum - shit - bastard" into the what three words app for my location ? and then told it doesn't quite work like that. Once the person annon had been alerted to the principle and gone "ok got it its brilliant&quo
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Pale Blue Dot

 I have a few names in my memory banks who send shivers through my very core - they hit the spot on many levels. Shackleton - Blaise Pascal (Pascals wager) - Enrico Fermi (Fermi's paradox) Lawrence Krauss and Carl Sagan (pale blue dot) and so what ? well today enjoy the picture of Nick's pale blue dot moving over the terrain - up and down - there have been many ups and down over the last 7 days but the job is now done and we are sat here watching the waves thrash against the terrific Sennen Cove beach. Well done brave ridders - fresh blood urging Nick on.  Nick's Pale blue Dot moving up an epic climb. Top man completing an amazing challenge. (find the blue dot not the green one !)  In his 1994 book,  Pale Blue Dot , Carl Sagan comments on what he sees as the greater significance of the photograph, writing: From this distant vantage point, the Earth might not seem of any particular interest. But for us, it's different. Consider again that dot. That's here. That's

The Black Pig and Seaman Staines PG Again

 I did feel a little underprepared for my stint at sea on The Black Pig (Captain Pugwash's boat) - nobody had mentioned this rather salty salient fact near the end of a truly epic day. I was all set for another epicurean trundle through Cornwall hinterland sampling vintage Cider and the odd full fat original cornish pasty - in fact I had the first true Cornish pasty at about 9.30am as we started just after 8.00am and van drivers get cranky at the first whiff of a foaming cappuccino and hot beige indulgencies.  The riders meanwhile had four seasons in one day - fab morning with rolling hills scenic views and fresh blood with George taking a very prestigious front of peloton role  (good man good pace shielding the riders from buffeting wind - cycling thing).  Lunch was complicated and scheduled and re-scheduled. But boy it was worth it - I had the best seafood stew with samphire and petals (almost salad). A big bad boy hill was the post lunch horror. Hugh (Nicks brother had joined us

Shall we stick with cooking ? PG again

 I think its fair to say that the riders were all "cooking" on gas today in fairly filthy conditions. There was a monster climb to challenge all the riders with a corresponding hairy steep decent with a very greasy pot holed surface to navigate. The riders had just been fuelled up at a lovely coffee stop with Tishy (Jonathan  Christies sister) who lives at Blagdon Hill. I did urge the riders on as the weather was due to break and getting miles banked before the rain came would be a dividend. Lunch break at Cullompton was probably the most well earned stop of the trip, Carb loading was intense before the final afternoon session and the chefs in the Steamer kitchen did not disappoint ! Wind in their face and squalls of rain buffeted the riders but they dug in to the task and the outskirts of Exeter beckoned. Then the stress started as we couldn't follow the riders due to pedestrian bus and bike only routing. We did eventually get parked up and the day was done. Some people

Time to saddle up and meet Old Chums for a ride ! (PG18)

 Today seems to be a blur - having been quite late to bed and awake early it made for a long day. Nick was creamed up by Jill (sunny morning) and ready for action and a long day in the saddle with an old school chum (Ian) from 45 years ago. Meanwhile vices for the van man man seemed irresistible and we are not talking about a cheeky red but proper van envy as a chap in the car park gave me the full tour of his VW interior. Zoom in and see the blue Record Fitters vice.,,,, oooh nice. van porn to get very hot over.  The horse was a particular morning hi-light and I knew that lunch was likely to be a bit dis-appointing post yesterdays extravaganza and yes my goats cheese and garlic quiche was lovely but not what us van drivers yearn for.  Some serious miles under the belt and well done the riders because it definitely wasn't flat and some car drivers were just outrageous. The weather forecast for tomorrow is not great so it maybe a very early kick off. Below are a few snaps from the d

Are we all getting enough vitamin C ?

 It was a massive day with over 65 miles or 105 kms covered ! with numerous hill climbs and a lot of cake and coffee 😎 There were serious calories burned and the peloton raced along narrow country lanes. Scenic chocolate box countryside whizzed passed. A private Toll bridge at Pangbourne cost 60p - how quaint, Well done the riders which included our most senior rider with nearly 70 candles on Buxtons cake. impressive stuff. Cracking lunch from Nicks cousin with huge volumes of steak and cheese and some selection of salads for those hungry bods. Then fruit salad with an ottolenghi pavlova. I was passed the most enormous bowl but had already had a second helping of steak so missed out on the pudding but the photo does show how full of vitamin C I would have been had I had some.  Doesn't that look yummy ! don't forget we had already been given a giant box of fruit and I am told by one of the riders the only way to safely eat the peaches was to take them in the shower so you did&#

Shower dodging - deer dodging and - salad dodger !

 They say a picture tells a 1000's words - well yes I shall try and post more pictures having made a feeble effort yesterday. Michael Fish was doing the weather this morning - you know the forecaster who famously said in October 1987 who said "there was no storm coming" and this time he said at 6.30am there would be showers and he was right so maybe the BBC has got new forecasting gear to improve the service. Excellent route again from the Strava team with fantastic bakery and coffee stop followed by lunch stop on the Grand Union Canal. A lot of traffic on some of the B roads and I was very glad of the vans bright orange colour, warning zephyrs and the flashing light, Interestingly Jill and I made a bad navigational error because there was a deer on the road in the middle of Kings Langley, We quickly recovered the route and caught up with the bikers who fortified with a very healthy lunch and more fruit from the van had set a cracking pace for the afternoon shift. It seem

And we are Good to GO !!! what a send off from Ufford

 Well the sun was shining and the turnout was fantastic for what turned out to be a carnival of friends and family wishing the cyclist "bon voyage" ! a squad of the boys school mates and a few more experienced seasoned cyclists (older) all put their lyrca and fancy tops on and escorted Nick to start the epic route to Saffron Walden which was our first stop. (Compliments to the Strava team - fab route). Major drama with minutes to go being the silly van man put the flashing lights on the van roof and put the van key on the roof at the same time. Where was the key ? omg what a drama queen - having had a minor paddy everybody helped look and a very kind person pointed out they were on the roof ! phew....  Polly called "order order" and then with a few short speeches delivered the claxon sounded and leg one set off  at a sparkling pace. Thank you for the kindness of the big box of fruit and cookies from well wishers.  Supporters on the roadside some who we missed with t

Less than 24 hrs to departure !

 Hello all you lovely lovely supporters ! its now less than 24hrs to go and all the months of planning finally comes together.  From funding the trike to setting the route to the destination. The van is now wearing the fantastic livery which gives the whole enterprise a massive sense of professionalism. Brilliant graphics which capture the spirit of Nicks fund raising endeavour. Here is a couple of snaps showing Nick and I checking out the important layby relaxing chairs with can holders.  Look forward to sharing a coffee and sticky bun and perhaps a beer or two at the end of the day with all the support cyclists, friends and sponsors.  Just in case you need the link :- The Man in the Van  PS I have had a final weigh in before the departure and Ian is right the XL pasta and vino diet has been a complete success .....hic

The "trike" and security issues !

 Just two days to go and I still haven't packed but importantly I have cut the grass anticipating it will grow whilst we are on the road. The attached picture is of Nick on his 3 wheeled chariot out on a training ride. One of the concerns we have had was the security of the Trike overnight and if you hadn't seen the news today a mechanics van of racing bikes were stolen from outside the team hotel. Actually the good news was other competitors stepped in and gave them some spare bikes but we would not have the same luxury as Nicks Trike which is a very rare beastie.  The link to Nicks fund raising page has now been improved so it will jump straight to the page without copying and paste.