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Shall we stick with cooking ? PG again

 I think its fair to say that the riders were all "cooking" on gas today in fairly filthy conditions. There was a monster climb to challenge all the riders with a corresponding hairy steep decent with a very greasy pot holed surface to navigate. The riders had just been fuelled up at a lovely coffee stop with Tishy (Jonathan  Christies sister) who lives at Blagdon Hill. I did urge the riders on as the weather was due to break and getting miles banked before the rain came would be a dividend. Lunch break at Cullompton was probably the most well earned stop of the trip, Carb loading was intense before the final afternoon session and the chefs in the Steamer kitchen did not disappoint ! Wind in their face and squalls of rain buffeted the riders but they dug in to the task and the outskirts of Exeter beckoned. Then the stress started as we couldn't follow the riders due to pedestrian bus and bike only routing. We did eventually get parked up and the day was done. Some people take parking close to the hotel a bit extreme. Fab support from friends and family. Did I mention we went through Craddock - it reminds me of a joke - what is the difference between a cross country run and Fanny Craddock ? (she was a celebrity chef from a few years back) .......... one is a pant in the country and the other is ...... oooops PG warning.  Time for a well owned beer I think. Here are a few photos from the day. Keep reading and I look forward on reporting on day 6 which maybe a bit late to press. 

The strava king made easy work of the big climb ! 


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